DR.Tim Kiruhi,Vice Chancellor,The International Leadership University(ILU)/photo/ILU
1.The International Leadership University (ILU) motto is developing leaders with
integrity. Why integrity?
This is a much-needed value in or society. We have a huge problem with corruption.
Every Kenyan agrees it is a challenge and the only way we can deal with that is to
raise leaders with integrity, who will do things differently; how they work with
resources, how they handle people, how they steward organizations, etc.
2.How does a student gain admission into The International Leadership
i. Applying for a course.
ii. Submitting all required documents and payment of application fee.
iii. Meeting the minimum qualifications for the program applied for i.e., Certificate
D+, Diploma C and C- or it's equivalent, Bachelor's degree C+ and above or
it's equivalent, Master level bachelor's degree with a GPA of 2.5 or Upper
Second Class Honors (when below one may be admitted on probation)
iv. The admissions committee meets to approve and Registrar communicates
the decision.
3. How has the University dealt with disruptions occasioned by Covid-19
We have transitioned to teaching and learning online, we have a Learning
Management System and also, we support it with other online tools. Therefore, our
students were not inconvenienced by the disruption. We had also to creatively adapt
through cost-cutting measures and exploring new opportunities such as short online
courses, etc.
4. What are some of the outstanding academic programs on offer at The
International Leadership University?
Our flagship is Leadership, which we offer from the Certificate level to the PhD level.
Bachelors in Leadership that has three concentrations; Business Administration,
Organizational Development and Marketing. This prepares students, both high
school leavers and working professionals who want to grow in their leadership –
whether they want to work in the public sector, private sector, the Church and other
facets of society.
These people would specialize further at the Master’s level and PhD level for those
going into academia or further specialization. At the PhD level we have four
concentrations of Leadership in Christian Ministry, Corporate, Education, and also
Public Governance.
5. Quality of graduates. How does The International Leadership University
to ensure that graduates meet and surpass international standards of
qualification for areas in which they are trained?
International Leadership university has Quality Assurance embedded all through the
process right from the design of the curriculum, the teaching and learning, evaluation
of every course, and also in review by our alumni, after they check it against market
needs. This ensure that we have quality leaders with deep-seated values sent into
society. We also ensure that we have quality students admitted and quality faculty
enrolled. We also constantly review our programs to make sure that they are
meeting the needs of the market. We are also regulated by the Commission for
University Education (which has accredited all our programs) and other regulators.
6. What notable challenges exist in running a private institution of higher
learning such as The International Leadership University?
One of them is the current economic situation because we depend on fee-paying
students and they are reducing both the total number of students available and the
capacity of the individual students. We have had challenges, but it’s not just ILU but
across the board with many private and public universities.
We continually review our programs and seek to differentiate ourselves as we have
a mission to fulfil, as shown by our motto of Developing Leaders of Integrity but we
must do it in a business-like manner so that we can meet our needs. The economic
pressure has had its effect on or systems, staff and we have tried to continually try to
7. What strategies do you continue to employ to address every one of these
i. Pro bono faculty helped us significantly, at first. By accrediting all our
programs, we are able to market them and increase the number of students
we have.
ii. We are also using technology and automation. We are investing in an ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planner)as a means of automation so that we can be
more efficient in how we deliver services to students and other stakeholders.
iii. We have also strengthened our governance from our Trustees and the
University Council who oversights us, the Senate and Management Board, as
well as internally so that there is more accountability and more transparency
in how we make decisions and also so that we are accountable for the things
that we do.
8. What is the place of research and higher education in the conversation around
national economic development?
This is very important for us, and one of the things that we will begin to do next
month is to have a Research Output Conference – to help us share with our
stakeholders- industry, church, government and public leaders in all spheres who
want to hear about the research output we have. We will eventually collaborate with
them so that in the future more of our research will be industry-supported. This will
ensure that there are people to implement that research and meeting the needs of
our stakeholders and the nations of Africa. We eventually want to start our own
academic publication, for now we are working with other like-minded institutions.
9. What role will you, the International Leadership University, play going forward,
with respect to the attainment of our economic goals as a country?
For us this is the soft skills, especially integrity and character building for leaders.
Right now, Kenya is not making good progress, not because we do not have
expertise by way of skills or even natural resources, but because we do not have the
right value system. We believe that as we restore the right value system, and with
integrity as a strong focus in public governance and all areas, that it will spur
economic growth, because the resources we have available (materials, scenery,
minerals, arable land, well trained people and finances) will be utilized optimally for
the well-being of Kenyans/Africans.
10. What motivates you as an in individual?
To make a contribution and see this institution play a strategic role in Africa. I am
motivated to make a difference in society. I see ILU as a platform to raise the kinds
of leaders that can lead differently, while helping their people prosper, at the
individual level, and to take the next steps and realize their fullest potential in
keeping God’s purpose for them and their families/organizations.
11. As a Vice Chancellor with an outstanding management career, tell us what you
think makes a good manager in your opinion?
I can use 5 Ps to summarize that.
i. The purpose of the organization – should be very clear. We continually check
if we are moving towards that purpose and if not, take corrective action.
ii. People. Every organization falls or stands on people, quality people.
Attracting and retaining them is critical.
iii. Processes or the right systems in place or to make sure we can deliver on the
mandate that is there, as clarified by the organizational purpose.
iv. Programs – the right ones, so that we are relevant, dynamic or changing and
adapting ourselves and delivering them in a quality manner through excellent
facilitators/mentors and channels.
v. Performance improvement.Constantly monitoring and evaluating where we
are and taking course corrections.
12. What do you intend to accomplish at The International Leadership University
as a personal legacy?
I would want to see ILU as a strong institution by the time I leave – a strong student,
value-driven population, strong faculty –with succession strategies, and also that we
are making a strong contribution to the society and also a well-respected institution.
13. As a busy executive, how do you achieve work-life balance?
I take my leave seriously. I also cut off work when I can especially on Sundays (I
have a six-day working week). I also try exercise regularly and also take time with
family and friends, and to follow sports (my hobby) to relax and re-energize. That
does help to achieve balance but of course it is not easy, and also an ongoing
commitment to achieve it, with accountability by good friends and mentors.
14. Parting shot?
I am excited with the opportunity we have as the International Leadership University
to make a contribution to this nation, the continent of Africa and even beyond. I am
very confident that if we raise the right kind of leaders, Africa has the resources,
including the people, to become a premier continent.
While there are many challenges in society, I do not give way to discouragement, so
long as I am doing my best with what I have. I am excited at the privilege of making
a contribution in this regard.
Thank you.