When you meet Chris Ndala the newly appointed Managing Director of DT Dobie you will soon
realise that he is ideally suited to lead this highly respected motor Company.
He has moved to Kenya from Liberia where he was Managing Director of CFAO Liberia to
bring with him over 22 years experience in automotive operation from manufacturing plant to
retail and he is fluent in English, French, Swahili and other African languages.
While in Liberia he established a price-value system for effective forecasting, data analysis and
market insight for each brand to ensure an insightful profitability analysis, improved customer
value proposition and improved planning at supply chain and sales level.
His impressive and varied career started with becoming a certified motor mechanic and engineer.
Later he became a qualified assessor and a master engineer for engine, chassis and electronics. A
switch to training and development ended with studying at the University of Johannesburg where
he earned a diploma in advanced business management.
Among the senior positions which he has held during his career are the Manager of Market
Development for Nissan South Africa where he was responsible for new vehicle sales in the Sub
Sahara region, network development and after sales. Another was the Regional Manager for
Renault trucks in Southern and Eastern Africa reporting directly to the Renault headquarters in
One of his long string of successes came when he was the Chief Operations Officer for a major
group in the Ivory Coast where in two years he moved the Nissan market share from four per
cent to ten per cent and received the Nissan global award for the best Sub Sahara national sales

As Kenya is progressing steadily towards local assembly for cars and trucks his experience in
this field will be invaluable. While working as the Regional Manager for Renault trucks based in
Johannesburg he was responsible for CKD (completely knocked down) logistics assembly
between France and South Africa. He also audited trucks for quality and liaised on this issue
with the head office in France.
Having achieved significant improvements in sales and profitability in the past Chris is relishing
the objective of growing market share in Kenya for Mercedes Benz passenger cars and trucks,
Volkswagens and Hyundai light trucks. Already the Company’s sales for the first half of this
year have exceeded the equivalent results for 2020.
As a great believer in working closely with staff Chris is looking forward to guiding the
Company’s team of experienced administration, sales and workshop personnel in Nairobi,
Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu to ensure that DT Dobie lives up to the expectations of
customers who want to deal with a leading highly regarded motor company.